
For your consideration, an exploration

into new forms

A modern make-over for the next generation.

In my past, it seems I was always working with wood, first as a kid, learning from my father with home projects and into my adulthood as an artist and architect.

Wood is such a precious resource and I prefer to use it very thoughtfully which most likely results in a minimalistic design. As the saying goes, “Form follows Function ”.

Most of my inspirations are serendipitously conceived, and I always try to respond to it. These creations are the results of those unconscious inspiration.

These are my personal interpretations, my language, and with your consideration, I would like to share them with you.


The initial step in my process is a conceptual hand drawn sketch which goes through many iterations, which I then redraw a using digital 3D model rendering program to help me visualize the size, scale and proportions as close as possible to the concept in the hand sketch.

AutoCAD, an architectural program is then used to convert the 3D renderings to the precise dimensions so that I can accurately cut the wood pieces on the tablesaw or mitersaw to the exact sizes needed.

The pieces for the prototype are then cut, drilled, sanded and then assembled with fasteners and glued and finally painted. Upon completion, a determination is made if the size, proportions and colors are in line with my vision, 'tweeking' some dimensions and colors usually takes place at this point.

After necessary alterations are made the final product is then made available to the public.

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