“…If you build it, they will come”

Modern birdhouse designs for your yard

Nestboxes and Artful Living

Design + Function

My collection of handcrafted birdhouses is an expression of my fondness for architecture done on a small scale. They are functional as a nest for small birds and always conscious of art being the final result.

The initial concept a bird houses starts out as simple box, then with a keen eye towards modernity, it morphs into something more than the individual parts. This is the bliss of architecture.

Adorning a yard scape with my birdhouses will add a flair to any garden or home.

They are constructed of solid stock wood and made to withstand the elements. They can be appreciated mounted on a pole or displayed in the home.

Art and Architecture has always been part of my vocabulary as long as I can remember. My pursuit of it led me to a degree in textile design and later into Architecture in graduate studies.

Working in wood is also a passion of mine since my teens, working with my father, reluctantly at first, then later secretly rolling out the table saw secretly. Constructing in wood has helped me to visualize my ideas when there were no computers to aid me, now I do mostly everything on the computer.